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UI/UX Design

We at ​Prointeractives work in dedicated project teams, blending design ops, user research, ux design, ui and engineering. 


What exactly is UX design?

User experience (UX) design is an umbrella term representing the entire process of creating products and services that provide intuitive and delightful experience to their users. People widely use terms like “UI/UX Design” or “Usability Design” to represent User Experience Design. However UI (User Interface) Design and Usability Design are subsets of UX Design. 


We at Prointeractives  discover the purpose of the product, Discover who the target audiences are, and Discover what their expectations are.


At Prointeractives , we define use cases & build storyboards for each use case

Hybrid Model 

We at ​Prointeractives make pencil sketches of various screen defaults under different scenarios.


Design without styling (colors/fonts/images infographics)
Enact CTA placement strategy Craft call outs for on click actions. 


Prointeractives  UI design services for web, enterprise, and mobile applications are designed to deliver results for clients based on enhanced usability and interface design


From wireframes to user flows to prototypes, we help you across the UI/UX journey: Visual Design & Branding

User flows 

User flow is the path taken by a prototypical user on a website or app to complete a task. 

The user flow takes them from their entry point through a set of steps towards a successful outcome and final action, such as purchasing a product.